The agreement reached between the husband and wife on the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and on the prenuptial property is binding on both parties. 婚后夫妻财产处理协议夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产的约定,对双方具有约束力。
Read through the contract at least three times, especially when it's the most challenging one-the contract of marriage. 签任何合同之前至少看三遍&最具挑战性的合同是婚约。
Marriage contract is an important part in the sector of Marriage Law, stipulating the right and responsibility of husband and wife. 婚姻财产制度是婚姻法学领域一项十分重要的制度,是婚姻中夫妻权利义务关系的重要组成部分。
Please provide the house assignment contract, the appraiser's report, a copy of ID cards and marriage certificate of the seller and the buyer, and the original of the title deed of house. 税务员:请提供房屋转让合同,评估报告、买卖双方的身份证、结婚证复印件、原契证。
Marriage under Relations Contract: An Reflection and Breakthrough of Traditional Marriage Contract 关系契约视野下的婚姻观&对传统婚姻契约观的反思和突破
The other is marriage contract in concept, as a kind of use in analogy, just for doctrinal analysis while the marriage parties in reality do not conclude contract. 观念上的婚姻契约,即作为一种类比意义上的用法,仅仅作为学理分析之用,而现实中的婚姻当事人并不缔结什么契约。
The basis for applying the contract law to the property agreement between couples is analyzed from angles of the property conduct attribute concerning the property agreement, the broad concept of contract in the contract law, and the contract law and marriage law relationship. 从夫妻财产约定的财产行为属性、《合同法》中的广义合同概念、《合同法》与《婚姻法》的关系入手,分析了夫妻财产约定适用《合同法》的根据;
Essentially, this type of marriage is a kind of civil contract, on the basis of this," Net Marriage "in its quality is also a kind of civil contract-electronic contract. 本质上,婚姻是一种民事契约,然“网婚”可否亦被视为一种民事契约&电子契约?
Between Identity and Contract: A Perspective of China's Marriage Settlement 在身份与契约之间&我国夫妻财产制之透视
Contract or Partner: An Analysis of Gender in Marriage 契约抑或伙伴:婚姻的社会性别探析
The first Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China has the spirit of making the contract of the spouse's property, but it was not systematized until 2001 year's Marriage Law. The law endowed it with the priority to be applicable. 新中国第一部《婚姻法》就允许夫妻财产约定,但将其体系化的规定在法律中并赋予其优先适用的效力却是2001年《婚姻法》。
And The discussion on the contract of marriage related issues, especially marriage and the marriage contract and the nature of the similarities and differences and other issues have more deep discussion and exploration. 这些论述对婚姻之契约性的相关问题,特别是对婚姻和契约的异同及婚姻的本质等问题有了比较深入的探究和讨论。
With the development of reform and opening up, the marriage contract theory of the gradual rise, but have not yet become the dominant ideology theory, the Marriage Law. 随着改革开放的发展,婚姻契约论逐步兴起,但仍未成为婚姻法理论主导思想。
The former believe that marriage is a special kind of contract, breach of contract should bear the responsibility of marriage. 前者认为婚约是一种特殊的契约,违反婚约应该承担契约责任。
It considers that contract is the nature attribute of marriage and we must distinguish the coming into existence of marriage from the marriage registration. 从婚姻本质进行分析,认为契约性是婚姻本质属性,婚姻的成立与登记必须区分。
Marital property contract system is an important component of the marital property system. It is the property system which allows both parties of the marriage make contract freely on the family property ownership, management, application and disposal. 婚姻财产契约是婚姻财产制度的一个重要内容,它允许婚姻当事人以契约的形式自由约定适用的财产制度,自由约定家庭财产的归属、管理、适用和处分。
There are two main adjust models: the way of contract adjust and the way of identity relationship adjust, the identity relationship adjust is divided into registered and non-registered, equivalent to marriage and non-equivalent to marriage, and then evaluated various models. 调整模式上主要有以契约和身份关系来调整两种模式,以身份关系来调整的又分为登记和不登记、等同婚姻和不等婚姻的模式,并对各种模式进行了评价。
The nature of the loyal agreement of husband and wife is a kind of freedom of contract which will not endanger the freedom of marriage. If the freedom of contract of one marriage party damages to the other one, the law will be adjust it. 夫妻忠实协议本质是一种契约自由,其并不会危害婚姻自由,如果婚姻当事人的契约自由危害到一方的离婚自由,法律可以对婚姻当事人的协议进行调整。
Marriage parties have begun to contract each other under the spirit of "the Marriage Law", ensuring the implementation of loyal obligations. 婚姻当事人开始根据《婚姻法》的立法精神,自行缔约来确保夫妻忠实义务的落实。
The divorce agreement is a contract of marriage between husband and wife for divorce purposes to each other to reach agreement, but the divorce settlement is not an ordinary civil contract, compared with an ordinary civil contract it the main particularity. 离婚协议是夫妻之间为达到离婚的目的而彼此达成一致的一种婚姻契约,但是离婚协议不是普通的民事契约,与普通的民事契约相比它的主体具有特殊性。
There are a lot of the existing marriage law of contract elements, which reflects the nature of the Marriage Contract and its development trend. 我国现行婚姻法存在大量的契约元素,这体现了我国婚姻法的契约本质及其发展趋势。